Highly effective teeth whitening in Geelong

March 28, 2022

If you want to add brilliance to your smile, talk to our dentists about teeth whitening in Geelong.

Patients often ask our experienced and highly-trained dentists how they can restore their teeth to a brighter, whiter state. And we’re happy to help.

At Wyatt Ryan Dental, we offer a supervised program for people to do at home. We carry out an examination first, then provide a personalised teeth-whitening package through our Geelong clinic. The quality service includes:

  • Custom-made trays created to provide a perfect fit for your teeth;
  • Whitening gel;
  • And careful monitoring by staff over the two-week process.

Whitening your teeth in consultation with dental experts is a safe way to enhance your smile. Our dentists are highly experienced when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. We want your teeth to remain strong and in good working order. That’s why we only recommend and use whitening products that are reputable, safe and proven performers.

Age and diet can all take a toll on tooth colour. If you’re a big coffee or tea drinker, enjoy wine or are a smoker, your choices can stain the brilliance of your grin. For some, the change in colour is slight. But for others, it can affect their appearance and their confidence.

The good news is you don’t have to put up with it. So, for a safe and easy solution Wyatt Ryan Dental supplies the teeth whitening Geelong people can trust. It’s easy, it’s supervised and we wouldn’t recommend it if it didn’t work.

So why not give it a go? Within a fortnight you’ll be enjoying a brighter, whiter smile and a lift to your confidence. It’s a great way to get that brilliant smile back on your face.

If you would like to know more about this effective cosmetic dentistry treatment, please don’t hesitate to contact Wyatt Ryan Dental on (03) 5229 5547. Our dentists are experienced, friendly and knowledgeable and we are here to help.

Teeth whitening in Geelong