Your local and trusted dentists in Geelong

April 14, 2021

When you think of dentists in Geelong, think Wyatt Ryan!

Wyatt Ryan Dental offers comprehensive dental services at their clinic in Geelong across a multitude of domains including generic paediatric dentistry, dental examinations, tooth extractions and cosmetic dentistry services. We also provide high-quality fillings, ensuring your smile shines for years to come.

Our experienced dentists including Dr Michael Wyatt and his partner Dr Natalie Ryan are fully qualified trained professionals with over twenty years of experience across both public and private dentistry. This experience has seen their work assist the oral care of patients across several countries including the UK and Australia.

Wyatt has taught at the Melbourne Dental School since 1996 and is now an Honorary Senior Fellow and external examiner at the school and has examined for the Australian Dental Council for overseas-trained dentists and has been a Senior Examiner for the MRACDS qualification for the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons since 2003. Whilst wife Natalie has been a member of the Australian Dental Association for more than two decades and has served as President of the Geelong ADA Victorian Branch group all the whilst keeping herself well informed with all the latest scientific research and clinical development across postgraduate seminars and conferences.

At Wyatt Ryan Dental, our Geelong dentists offer professional care that is met with a massive smile. As soon as you enter the door you will be greeted by a passionate and hard-working team that are all about helping every client achieve the best possible outcome with their oral care no matter what their age or background.

Our Geelong team has built a strong reputation for excellence and comprehensive service with the dental clinic in Geelong being one of the first ten practices Australia-wide to earn official accreditation with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.

Our warm and welcoming staff are sure to have your oral care in supreme condition from your first consultation until your very last.

So, if you are looking for the best dental care there is to offer in the Geelong and surrounding regions, please contact our friendly team at Wyatt Ryan Geelong on 03 5229 5547 today.


Preventative dental care for Geelong patients