Looking for a trusted dentist in Geelong? Choose Wyatt Ryan Dental!
September 21, 2020When you select a dentist in Geelong for your dental needs, you want your choice to tick all the right boxes on your check list.
And those boxes include professionalism, experience, compassion, quality customer service and a comprehensive range of dental services.
At Wyatt Ryan Dental, our team delivers in every category. We’re passionate about providing the best possible dental care to clients of all ages and we work hard to make every visit to our clinic a positive, friendly experience.
Led by dentists Michael Wyatt and Natalie Ryan, we make sure our clients are fully informed of their best treatment options. It’s about ensuring people are equipped with correct information and we’re happy to answer any questions you have.
Wide range of dental services
From general dentistry including dental examinations to cosmetic dentistry and complex services such as crowns, we can help. For the little ones, we enjoy making their visits to our clinic fun, friendly and stress free. We want children to develop quality oral hygiene habits and we’re keen to play a part in helping them gain those important skills.
While we are skilled at offering a wide range of dental treatments, we strongly believe that prevention is a key defence. Having regular dental examinations allows us to pick up any small problems with your teeth and gums before they become costly and painful issues.
When you choose Wyatt Ryan Dental, there’s peace of mind in knowing you’ll have dentists in your corner who are passionate about delivering quality dentistry.
Top dental care
Our dentists bring wide experience and skills to the clinic. Michael has an active interest in professional development and education of dental students and practitioners. He lectures at the Melbourne Dental School and is an external examiner. Natalie, who has a focus on preventative dentistry and children’s dentistry, keeps up-to-date on the latest research and developments in the industry. For both dentists, it’s all about being able to provide the best possible dental care for people now and in the future.
For a quality dentist Geelong people trust, turn to Wyatt Ryan Dental. Please contact us to book an appointment today.